Books Recommended by Speakers at the Archives of the Impossible Conference

I will list them in the order I learned of them at the conference - and who recommended them.

They Flew: A History of the Impossible by Carlos Eire; “a game changer”, Jeff Kripal.

The Matter of Wonder by Loriliai Biernacki; during her talk. She also referenced the books of Paul Brunton.

Toward a Unified Theory of Consciousness and the Contact Modalities by Ray Hernandez and also his Beyond UFOs available for free on his website.

The Permeable Self by Barbara Newman during her talk; also Mattering the Invisible: Technologies, Bodies, and the Realm of the Spectral by Diana Espirito Santo.

Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation and the Unconscious by Eric Wargo referenced by Kenny Paul Smith in his talk.

The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries by Wasson, Hoffman, et al. Also: Divine Mania: Alteration of Consciousness in Ancient Greece and Caves and the Ancient Greek Mind: Descending Underground in Search for Ultimate Truth, both by Yulia Ustinova. Discussed by Charles Stang.

Breath by James Nestor recommend by an audience member in the Q & A.

Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO, and a chapter in this book “The Lure of the Unremembered” written and referenced by David Halperin in his talk.

Participation and the Mystery by Jorge Ferrer discussed by Karin Meyers in her talk.

Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics edited by Shan Gao; recommended by Sharon Hewitt Rawlette in her talk


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